Mute Your Negative Self-Talk

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So you’re meal prepping, you’re going to all of your workouts, you’re feeling more energetic, you even lost a few pounds and your clothes are fitting differently however; the only thing you can think of is how you will eventually mess up and fall of…

That’s a helluva psychology to walk around with. Think about that, consider that you’re in the middle of being successful, while experiencing success and yet you still are thinking “failure”.

I must admit, I’ve also experienced these thoughts too, not in fitness but in other areas namely business. I’ve had clients on deck and found myself in the process of bringing on more clients and still there I was thinking that something would go wrong…smh

Unfortunately there seems to be a bit of a tendency in humans to gravitate toward the negative, it’s not until we experience a shift in mindset that we begin to think differently.

Don’t get me wrong I understand that there are a lot of phonies out there but, at the same time there are a lot of great people with a lot of good information to share. 

It all boils down to the environment you create in your mind. If you have a head full of negative, unsupportive views about yourself then it is certain that you will not feel good about yourself.

Believe me I have certainly had my share of negative self-talk, and I’d be lying to you all if I were to say I don’t have any at all any more but I’m much better at shaking out of that.  I found it both helpful and effective to immerse yourself in supportive and encouraging material. Whether it’s audio, video or reading material. You want to allow yourself to receive information that both encourages and supports you and promotes a healthier and more constructive mindset.

A few resources

  • John Maxwell

  • Zig Ziglar

  • Mark Victor Hansen

  • Denis Waitley

  • Jim Rohn

  • Tony Robbins

  • Napoleon Hill

  • Eatl Nightingale

  • Dr Norman Vincent

If you choose to listen to any other wonderful folks, let me know what you think about the material.

Also, ladies I invite you to join my closed Facebook group here:
The group is about support, motivation and encouragement! I hope to have you as a member!

Salute to Your Success

Akil Sherman, CPT

The Best Online Personal Trainer on the internet!

#1 Online Personal Trainer

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Akil Sherman