13 Ways to Keep Your Momentum Throughout the Year

Sorry if I spooked you out with the number 13 lol. Anyway, with a new year comes new health and fitness goals. This year in order to prevent you from falling off I have compiled a list of 13 steps that you can do to get where you are trying to go. Please feel free to share this list with friends. Also let me know if you think I skipped something.

Define your goal: For best results make it measurable and set it “realistically high” rather than crazy high. Like dropping 12 lbs in a month is totally possible however, dropping 30lbs in a month maybe a little too ambitious. Also write out your goal in detail. Do it by hand to make it feel more real and post it up somewhere you can see it.


Make the Time: ultimately you’re trying to change a habit, and change is hard. We have to battle against being lazy, unmotivated, gravity and inertia in order to get into a consistent rhythm. To push thru carve out at least 30 minutes 2-4x per week for exercise. Your best bet is to exercise in the morning and make it non-negotiable


Find the right Gym: Whether it’s at home, a large chain or a specialized location you want to pick a gym that fits you personally and is convenient. You can even get a day pass at most gyms to test them out. Pick the one that excites you the most and makes you want to actually go there.


Choose the Right Activity: whether it’s a yoga, Pilates, barre, cross training or traditional weight lifting, decide what YOU love and go do it. For example don’t pick CrossFit if you don’t like explosive compound movements and have a history of back and knee issues. You want to look forward to the activates and actually love what you do


Hire some help: Having someone to guide you thru exercise will cut down on injuries and increase the speed in which you see results. In addition to having someone with experience design a program for you, it is especially valuable to have someone to hold you accountable and keep you on the right track.


Trust the Process: Your mind can only focus on one thing at a time and its much more effective to focus on the process than the result. So instead of focusing on losing 20lbs instead focus on getting the gym regularly, watching your nutrition and drink your water, do that and the 20lbs will come off.


Ditch the Excuses: Everyone has excuses and they’re all bad. Even the ones that seem legit. At the end of the day you want results so yeah something might come up but you handle it and get back into your routine. You must continue to find a way to get to the gym, eat right and do cardio. Get. It. Done.


Try a group class: Perhaps going solo is too boring for you. Go find somewhere to take pwer yoga, boxing, CrossFit, Zumba whatever. The camaraderie and variety may be just what you need to stick with a consistent routine.


Pace Yourself: You didn’t gain 50lbs in one month so you’re not going to lose 50lbs in one month. Of course you want results immediately but take it slowly and listen to your body, especially if you’re a newbie. One of the worse things in the world is beginning to see results but then having to stop because you hurt yourself. Don’t be reckless.


Treat Yourself: When good work goes unrewarded it eventually disappears. Set up a reward system. For instance for every day you work out you but yourself a smoothie. For every week you work out consistently put $5 aside to buy whatever you want at a later date. And if you have a good month get a massage. This way you stay motivated and the activities stay fresh and you don’t get bored.


Strive for Consistency: Aristotle once said “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit” There isn’t anywhere more true than your health and fitness resolutions. Don’t assume just because you aren’t seeing visible progress in the mirror after 2 weeks that you aren’t making progress. There are multiple positive reactions going on inside your body and the benefits will last a lifetime. It’s not all about the mirror, it’s also about how you feel and what feels good in your soul. Hitting the gym 2-3 times per week for years is far and away better than 5x per week for 1 month and then quitting.


Clean Up Your Diet: If you are truly serious about results then you have got to get a handle on your nutrition. Unfortunately 80% of your success lies in the kitchen, while the other 20% is based on what you do in the gym. Cut the processed sugar, salt and fat. Get rid of the alcohol and drink you water. Eat lean protein as well as your fruits and veggie.


Feel the Doubt and do it anyway: There will be days that you won’t feel like working out or eating right, that’s normal, the key is to go do it anyway. Push past that and go handle your business, you’ll feel better. No one ever wishes they didn’t go workout, but plenty of people feel guilty for having missed a workout. Get. It. Done.

Salute to your success

Akil Sherman, CPT

The Best Online Personal Trainer on the internet!

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